High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms. However, it increases your risk of stroke, heart attack, and kidney diseases. People whose blood pressure is below 120/80 are less likely to contract these diseases.



  • Lose weight;
  • Limit your alcohol intake;
  • Exercise regularly;
  • Reduce your salt intake;
  • Make sure your diet contains enough potassium, calcium and magnesium;
  • Reduce the saturated fat in your diet;
  • Stop smoking;


Home Treatment

Take any prescribed blood pressure medications exactly as directed.


When to See a Doctor

  • You should have a Blood pressure check once a year if you are 45 years old or more.
  • If you have strong family history of High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease or Stroke.
  • If you have symptoms such as constant headache, chest pain, blurred vision or dizziness.
  • If your blood pressure remains high, even after you have been on blood pressure medication.