
Haemorrhoids and piles are two terms used to describe the inflammation and swelling of veins around the anus. Haemorrhoids may develop either inside (internal) or outside (external) the anus. Straining to pass hard, compacted stools sometimes causes these veins to become enlarged and inflamed.


The symptoms of Haemorrhoids are tenderness, pain, itching and sometimes bleeding.




  • Keep your stools soft. Include plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains in your diet;
  • Try not to strain during bowel movements;
  • Avoid sitting too much, which restricts blood flow around your anus;
  • Keep the anal area clean, but even more important, be gentle when cleaning it.


Home Treatment


  • For Haemorrhoids, warm baths are soothing and cleansing, especially after a bowel movement. Sits baths are helpful for haemorrhoids, but may worsen anal itching;
  • Wear cotton underwear and loose clothing.


When to See a Doctor


  • If a lump on the anus is increasing in size or becoming more painful;
  • If pain is severe or lasts longer than one week;
    ·                 If bleeding is heavy, with more than a few bright red streaks;

·                 If any bleeding continues for longer than one week, or occurs more than once despite home treatment.