
Most people experience a form of depression at some point in their lives. Depression can range from a minor problem to a major life-threatening illness. There are various treatment options for depression, with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy proven to be one of the most effective. This treatment can lead to a whole new life.


On-going depression can affect us physically, while changing how we think, feel, and relate to others.




  • The loss of a love object. The love object may not always be a person; it may also be an idea, a social standing, an identity, a matter related to health, or a material possession;
  • A period of chronic stress, or a stressful event;
  • A reaction to medication;
  • Alcohol and/or drugs;
  • A general medical condition;
  • Dementia or other mental health problems;
  • Grief.




  • Frequent backaches, headaches, stomach problems, or other aches that do not respond to treatment;
  • Sadness or hopelessness;
  • Irritability, anger or hostility;
  • Tearfulness or frequent crying;
  • Withdrawal from friends and family;
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits;
  • Restlessness and agitation;
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt;
  • A lack of interest or pleasure in usual activities or pastimes;
  • Fatigue or a lack of energy;
  • Difficulties regarding concentration, memory or decision-making;
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.


Self-care may sometimes be enough to overcome mild depression. Examples of self-care include staying active, seeking the support of family and friends, and getting regular exercise.


For more serious depression, it is important to seek professional treatment. As there may be many things that can contribute to depression, a combination of self-care and professional treatment is often the most effective approach. The most common form of treatment is counselling; research shows that the most effective treatment of depression involves a combination of cognitive behavioural counselling and medication.